
Welcome to Tina's public roadmap! This is a live document, and will be updated regularly. We'll move tickets to the roadmap once we have a high degree of confidence that they will be worked on in a given time-frame. To submit an idea, or to view a list of feature requests and ideas that we're considering, check out our GitHub Discussions

Recently Released

Editorial Workflow

Supporting Drafts on un-published documents through a "draft: true" front-matter field.
We are also looking into some ways to better support working from separate branch deployments, for bigger sets of changes.


Document Search

Document Discoverability can be a challenge as the number of posts grow. We're looking into improving this either by providing our own search.

Released -> Tina Migration CLI Tool

When you run `@tinacms/cli init@latest init` on a site with Forestry config, we will import some defaults, as well as your front-matter-templates.


Next 3 months

Improving Self-hosted experience

We are currently working on some improvements to the self-hosted experience, to bring closer parity to using Tina Cloud


Improving Media Management UX

There are several media management improvements that we have on our list (image search, support for more media types, etc). We'd like to invest some time making Tina+media more powerful for editors and developers.

In Progress
Stay in touch 👉